Reimbursement has become an essential part of any marketing strategy in the medical device industry. On the one hand the right reimbursement strategy has to enable the optimal pricing strategy for the relevant device and the related therapy. On the other hand, the price/cost threshold has to be as low as possible for all users. From my extensive experience I offer you the following support, especially when it comes to reimbursement in Germany:


Your questions My individual offer for you
Do you know the comprehensive reimbursement situation of your product?  I offer an extensive research and analysis of the reimbursement options to date (coding, revenues etc.).

Do you know the total therapy costs that are cause by your product?

A detailed calculation will be done, including tests on site in a clinic, i.e. in order to determine the manpower requirements.
Does the administration (purchasing, controlling) know the reimbursement option(s) of your product well enough? On basis of above mentioned information I will set up an information brochure targeting specifically the administration. Thereby, purchasing and coding will be eased and finally your product can be ordered more easily.
You do not have any reimbursement yet or the existing reimbursement is not sufficient? I will set up a concept on strategic opportunities and will support when implementing the decided steps (such as preparing files etc.).
Your sales team shall act competently towards your customers and shall therefore get acquainted with the most important processes and facts on the reimbursement situation in Germany in general and on the specific reimbursement situation of your product. I offer individual trainings on site in order to train your sales team concerning the reimbursement.


My services summarized:
  • Analysis of the current reimbursement situation, calculation of costs, preparation of accounting examples
  • Consulting for reimbursement strategy and pricing
  • Development of informational material for medical controlling in order to ensure optimal coding and billing for the respective product and/or therapy
  • Sales training and development of training material
  • Major experience in reimbursement in Germany, e.g.:
    • Submitting of  „NUB“ applications (Neue Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden = new examination and treatment methods)
    • Applications for new/changed „OPS“ codes (Operationen- und Prozedurenschlüssel = operations and procedure codes)

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